PAG Show Coordinator Responsibilities
A coordinator oversees all aspects of a show from inception and hanging through to the reception and takedown day. The coordinator’s goal is to fill the show with 22 to 25 participants as this helps us meet our financial obligation to the gallery.
Things To Do List
- Volunteer and select a theme for your show. This is usually finalized at our November meeting of the preceding year so the list of shows can be published.
- Write a short description of your vision for the show. Encourage members to signup for your show by making announcements at meetings and via emails. This might include showing examples from the Internet to stimulate creative thinking and help prospective participants get ideas. Start 2-3 months before hanging-date, which falls on the first Saturday of the month.
- Secure participation of 22 - 25 members.
- Develop a way to contact all show participants, such as an email list.
- Remind participants to send their tag information, pay their fees, and send you a jpg of their image. Monitor these requirements and remind members who are delinquent.
- Send a list of participants to the Treasurer (Currently John Foltz) so fees can be monitored (see below).
- Send a list of participants to the person responsible for printing the tag information for each photograph (currently Jim Dease) at [email protected] .
- Make a sign for the show that will hang at InnerSpace and announce the theme. A frame for this sign will be provided 2 months before your hanging day. Bring the sign to the gallery on hanging day.
- Select one image that will be used to advertise the show via an email announcement (eblast) and email it to Lee Decker. Include the name of the artist and email it by the 20th of the preceding month.
- Prepare a printed document of all the images (thumbnail sheet) with the names of the artists and bring to hanging session. This will help you account for the presence of all images and facilitate the tags being matched with the correct pieces.
- Remind participants of date and time of the hanging.
- Hanging day:
- Check in participants.
- Solve all problems.
- Aid as needed.
- Remind participants of the date of the reception. Encourage participation in the reception, reminding them to bring food or drink to share.
- Thank all involved.
- Attend reception.
- After the reception send a copy of all the show jpgs to our web technologist so they can be posted on the PAG website. (Currently Tony Loeffler) JPGs should be named as: ArtistName_TitleOfImage.jpg
- Remind all participants of the time and date to pickup their photos from gallery.
Finally, after the show is installed at the gallery be sure to send the actual list of participants
with hanging images to the PAG treasurer, currently John Foltz. [email protected]