These photographs span a period of over four decades of work. Four decades of time and the equivalent of six decades of effort, that is.
The medium has seldom seen such a tireless devotion to producing works of personal expression. While others talk "shop," Vodhanel photographs. While others conduct workshops, Vodhanel photographs. When others don't, Vodhanel does.
The association of art with incomprehensible imagery is a modern concept. It is natural for idealistic students to feel compelled to search artwork for revelations since one of the reasons we look at art is to learn. Unfortunately, the notion that cloaking art in symbolism and pseudo metaphysics will make the revelation more meaningful, is suspicious thinking at best. Vodhanel's photographs clarify rather than obscure visual ideas.
The work celebrates pure form and the message is simply "Look." The revelation is up to you. The photographs are distinctly visual, so bring whatever notions or concepts of art that you may hold and refine them against the background of pure form. Vodhanel's vision is broad enough to encompass any preconception. He knows that the viewer is an active participant in the creation of "good art," since it exists only in the mind.
John Charles Woods (.com)
Stephen Vodhanel lives in Menifee, CA and can be reached via email:
[email protected]