Participating in Photo Arts Group—PAG


  1. Attending Meetings—PAG meets on each second Wednesday from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Escondido Arts Partnership Gallery, 262 E. Grand Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025. Our meetings usually have three parts—an opening demonstration or a brief talk; a business discussion; a salon, in which members’ images are expertly projected and kindly discussed. If you want to show up to four images at the salon part of our meetings, send jpgs (sRGB preferred) of them to John Foltz at— [email protected] . Horizontal images should measure no more than 1920px wide and no more than 1200px tall. Save them at high quality. Name the files consistently in a fashion similar to this: name_01.jpg  (name can be either first or last). Email them no later than 6:00pm on the Monday before the Wednesday meeting.
  2. Entering Exhibitions—Go to our website <> to see a list of the current year’s shows and their coordinators. When you see a show that you want to be part of, contact the coordinator right away, either in person or by email. Ask the coordinator where you should send the digital jpg files of your prospective entries (from one to four of them). You and the coordinator will decide on the final image for the show. Your jpgs should be sized and named as they are for the salon (see above). Without waiting for approval from the coordinator, send your hanging fee by check to our Treasurer:  Make checks payable to “PAG.”   Write name of show on check.    Mail to:     PhotoArts Group              C/o John A. Foltz    31118 Sunningdale Drive   Temecula, CA 92591.   You can pay well in advance for any show to ensure that you will have a spot in it—subject to coordinator’s approval. We want to hang 22-25 pieces in each show to pay the monthly rent on our space. The fee schedule—up to 24” wide @ $20.00; 25”-36” @ $30.00; $40.00 beyond that, but such large pieces are rare because they would limit the number of participants. No limit on the vertical side. All pieces must be fitted with a hanging wire. We will not accept sawtooth hangers, holes, or slots. Wires only. Your coordinator will inform you about the wall tags that will accompany your entry. As a member of PAG, you will be notified of any PAG shows to be held in other venues, and of course, you will be invited to participate in them in addition to our InnerSpace exhibitions.
  3. Participating in “Hanging Day”—We hang our shows on each first Saturday at our InnerSpace Gallery. Those members who are showing pieces bring them to the gallery between 10:30 and 11:00 am. Even if you are not hanging a piece in a particular show, you might want to drop by to take part in what has become a very enjoyable social hour. Some members prepare the walls; others do the hanging and the labeling. We all gab a lot, sharing ideas and techniques, and we surely enjoy one another’s company. Those who want to, head out for a lunch spot when the hanging is done and the show is ready for opening.
  4. Attending Receptions—Each of our shows features a reception in concert with the other current shows at the Escondido Art Gallery on each second Saturday evening, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. These events feature plenty of finger food, great art work, and often some local musicians. They offer good opportunities to mix with artists in addition to those in PAG. Those who have pieces in any of the shows on reception night bring dishes of all sorts to share with others, anything from a platter of cookies to a bottle of wine.
  5. Volunteering for Extra Duty—From time to time our group sends representatives to other photo groups, to community school events, or to social activities that have requested some photographer participation—another great way to enjoy yourself as a PAG member.
  6. Creating a Personal Page on the PAG web site—After you have participated in an InnerSpace show, you can have your personal page added to the PAG site. Tony Loeffler is our webmaster, so get in touch with him about the details when you are ready to add your page to the site. More details are on the site itself. <>
  7. Joining the Discussion Boards—PAG has two group message boards on Yahoo, one for business matters and one for all other matters. At the time of this writing, Yahoo Groups are not working as well as they once did. Please go to the PAG web site to read more about how to (maybe) join these groups.


Thank you for your interest in PAG. We hope that you will take the time to become better acquainted with us. Please email Jack Quintero with any questions after you’ve browsed the web site. [email protected]                   JQ